Auralphonic 005: Sexy Podfic

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Join Dodificus, Jenepod, and Paraka as they talk about sexy podfic – what it is, why you would want to record or listen to it, tips and tricks for both, and recs of their favourites of the genre.

Links to all the sites and podfics discussed in the episode, check out our pinboard.


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2 Responses to Auralphonic 005: Sexy Podfic

  1. So I stumbled on this podcast when I was being vain and Googling myself and I just wanted to say, thank you so much for the rec! I’m really glad y’all enjoyed the story. ^_^ And this is a very cool podcast; I’m thrilled to see the resources you’re providing, and since I’m trying to get back into recording more, I am definitely going to be using a few of those.

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